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Web Development

La connexion vers la futur ...

Connecting to the future


Welcome to oocod,
the world of digital excellence, where innovation meets performance.


With our know-how in the field of tailor-made digital development, our team is made up of Web designers, developers and coders based between France and India, each according to their real skills.


Exclusively reserved for web agencies and business providers, our structure allows us to respond to all your requests by offering you a high quality service under the best conditions and prices.


We specialize in custom website design using HTML, PHP and other web development programs.

Mobile APP

Our developers are highly skilled and passionate about creating innovative and personalized mobile applications.


A pioneer in the field of blockchain development, our passionate team of blockchain specialists offers you innovative and tailor-made solutions.


Our developers create exclusive CRMs from scratch using code languages, so everything is possible to manage your customer records and increase sales.


Our programmers, passionate about AI, develop machines capable of imitating certain human cognitive functions and providing significant advantages in terms of efficiency and productivity.


We specialize in custom website design using HTML, PHP and other web development programs.

You are
a web agency?

We are proud to present our development agency, your trusted partner who will propel your web agency to the forefront of the digital race.

Our teams of talented developers take on every challenge with enthusiasm, ready to code from scratch to transform your clients' most daring projects in digital reality.

Agence Web, Apporteur d'affaires, nous sommes fiers de vous présenter notre agence de développement, votre partenaire de confiance qui propulsera votre agence web en tête de la course numérique. 

Chez nous, chaque ligne de code est façonnée avec précision. Nous offrons des services de développement sur mesure, du web aux applications, en passant par les systèmes CRM, ERP, Module de calcule, Algorythme, I.A... 


Nos équipes de développeurs talentueux relève chaque défi avec enthousiasme, prête à coder à partir de zéro pour transformer vos projets les plus audacieux. 

Que vous cherchiez à étendre votre portefeuille de services ou à simplement dépasser les attentes de vos clients, nous sommes là pour vous accompagner. 

Thank you for your participation

Our approach to design and development consists of simplifying and optimizing your digital project. Using modern technologies, we efficiently and competently build fun and scalable solutions.

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How that works ?

Before beginning any project, we invest the time necessary to understand your business processes, current challenges and future goals. This in-depth analysis forms the basis of our personalized approach.

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Our expertise at your service !

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We are proud of our numbers


Years of experience




Products installed


Countries around the world


Industry Awards

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"Our collaboration with OOCOD was an exceptional experience. Their team of talented developers was able to meet our needs with professionalism and efficiency. Thanks to their expertise, our projects exceeded our expectations, and we highly recommend OOCOD to any web agency in the world. looking for a reliable and competent partner."

At your service !

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Businessmanager, France

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Digital Strategist, India

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Intern, France



Project Manager, India

Are you ready to accelerate your business?

Open your account

free of charge and without obligation


✔ Our working method

✔ Our prices

✔ Your quotes in 24 hours

Thank you for your participation


Need informations,
do not hesitate to contact us


07 82 79 79 55

Headquarters : 

7 passage of brie,

75019 Paris,


Development :

20 Rajammal Nagar,


Chennai 126, INDIA

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© 2023 by OOCOD. All rights reserved.

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